Google Benchmarking - Every SEO & web analytics need to use it
Benchmarking only works if people can opt to share their data into the system, so google also introduce a new data-sharing settings page. On this page, customers can choose whether to opt in or opt out of sharing their Analytics data.
Benchmarking lets you compare your metrics against industry verticals.
To enable this optional new feature, an administrator on Google analytics account will need to make the following selections on the Google Analytics data sharing settings page:
1. Log into your account. You'll see the yellow data sharing settings box on
the Analytics Settings page.
2. Click the "More data sharing options" link within the yellow box.
3. Select the second checkbox to specify that you want to share your data
"Anonymously with Google products and the benchmarking service". You can
also choose to share your data "With Google products only" to take advantage
of advanced Google advertising products and services as they become
: Benchmarking now available plus additional opt-in settings
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